Chord Mojo DSD usb dac
Chord Mojo, which is short for ‘Mobile Joy’ by the way, has a FPGA chip of the newest generation. FGPA stands for Field Programmable Gate Array, which is an extremely advanced chip that is completely programmable using your own algorithms, for instance to turn it into a fantastic and totally unique da-converter. Because of that, Chord Mojo is capable of receiving PCM signals up to 32bit/768kHz and DSD (up to quadruple resolution) using the DoP protocol. The internal amplifier can drive two headphones (via mini-jack) simultaneously, and their impedance can be between 4 and 800Ω. Which means, in practical terms, that there is probably no headphone with a normal connector that Mojo cannot handle. Input selection is handled automatically, where USB (32/768) is the primary input, and coaxial (32/768) and optical (24/192) are second and third.
The built-in battery uses the latest ‘High Temperature’ technology, which allows for a full load cycle in only 4 hours, without compromising the longevity of the battery’s life-cycle. It’s casework, which is milled from a single billet of aircraft-grade aluminum, was kept as simple as possible, without superfluous of confusing switches. Information about volume and sampling frequency is displayed, like we’re used to, by multicolored LED’s. Besides that, it has a special matte-black finish that doesn’t finger-mark, and the inputs are denoted with a laser ablated lettering.
What’s in the box:
- Chord Mojo DSD usb dac headphone amp
- micro USB cable for charging